



代表紹介|大阪の箕面市・豊中市で礼儀作法が身につく空手指導を受けたい方は空手道 正援塾へ



若槻 昌高


若槻 昌高

Masataka Wakatsuki


若槻代表 ローリングサンダーキック

若槻代表 ハイライト動画 2015~2017


1997年~2000年 養秀会全日本空手道選手権大会 4連覇達成〔大会史上初〕
2000年 養秀会アメリカ国際大会 軽量級 優勝
1994年 士道館全日本空手道選手権大会 軽量級 第3位
1999年 新極真会全日本ウェイト制空手道大会 軽中量級 ベスト8
1996年&1998年&2000年 白蓮会館全日本空手道選手権大会 軽量級 第三位
2002年 拳武道会館全日本大会 軽量級 優勝
ISKAフルコンタクト空手 世界ミドル級王者獲得
白蓮会館全日本空手道選手権大会 中量級 優勝
2004年 正道会館全日本空手道選手権大会 軽量級 準優勝
白蓮会館世界空手道選手権大会 軽量級 準優勝
2008年&2011年 真樹道場全日本空手道選手権大会 重量級 優勝
2013年 ワールド大山空手 アメリカウエストコースト選手権 軽量級 優勝
2015年&2016年&2017年 アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー主催 世界スポーツフェスティバル
アーノルドクラッシック 空手チャンピオンシップ 軽量級 優勝〔3連覇〕



2002年にはK-1でおなじみの魔裟斗、ジェロム・レ・バンナ、レイ・セフォーなどが保有するISKAのフルコンタクト空手 世界ミドル級王者となる。2004年に行われた白蓮会館世界空手道大会では 並み居る強豪を破り見事準優勝に輝く。




  • ご挨拶


Tournament fighting record

1997~2000 YOSHUKAI All Japan Karate Championship 4times 1st place
2000 YOSHUKAI US International Karate Tournament Light Weight 1st place
1994 SIDOKAN All Japan Karate Championship Light Weight 3rd place
1999 SHINKYOKUSHINKAI All Japan Weight Category Karate Championship Light Weight 8th place
1996&1998&2000 BYAKURENKAIKAN All Japan Karate Championship Light Weight 3rd place
2002 KENBUDOKAIKAN All Japan Karate Championship Light Weight 1st place
BYAKURENKAIKAN All Japan Karate Championship Middle Weight 1st place
BYAKURENKAIKAN All Japan Karate Championship Middle Weight 1st place
2004 SEIDOKAIKAN All Japan Weight Category KarateChampionship Light Weight 2nd place
BYAKURENKAIKAN World Karate Championship Light Weight 2nd place
2008&2011 MAKIDOJO All Japan Karate Championship Middle Weight 1st place
2013 WORLD OYAMA KARATE West Coast Full Contact Karate Championship In USA 〔FIGHTERS CUP〕Light Weight 1st place
2015&2016&2017 Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival Arnold Classic Australia Kyokushin Karate Championships Light Weight 1st place〔the third consecutive year〕

Introduction of the Seienjuku representative

Representative: Masataka Wakatsuki
He started learning karate in 1991, and he took third place at the Shidokan All Japan Championship at the age of 16.
In 1996, he joined Yoshukai and became the chief instructor of the Osaka branch.
The same year, he participated in the Byakuren Hall All Japan Championship for the first time at the age of 18. He came in third place.
The following year, he won all his matches by ippon and came in first at the Yoshukai All Japan Championship.
Since then he has participated in numerous competitions in Japan as one of Yoshukai’s top competitors.
He became the first-ever four-time consecutive champion at the Yoshukai All Japan Championship.
In 2002, he became the first middle weight World champion in ISKA full contact karate, a title later held by Masato of K-1 fame, Jerome Le Banner, Ray Sefo, etc.
In 2004, he successfully became vice-champion at the Byakuren Hall World Karatedo Championship by defeating tough fellow competitors.
That year he officially began instructing. In August 2005, he established the Youth advanced level class. The regular Youth division also started to flourish.
In March 2008, he received approval from the Yoshukai headmaster, Katsuou Yamamoto, to become independent, and he resigned from this society, to which he had belonged for 12 years, with gratitude for all that he had learned.
In April 2008, he established “Karatedo – Seienjuku” with the hope to encourage and support the ones who walk — or try to walk — on the righteous path.

Wakatsuki’s albums

Greetings from the representative of Seienjuku

Seienjuku is a budo karate.
It’s a place to learn your physical and mental strengths through karate. What you obtain from karate is not only the strength to punch and kick. Karate-do also reveals how to obtain the strength to face hardships in everyday life, and how to overcome adversity.
Through everyday training, I want to nurture not the small strength that can be used only in the dojo, but a righteous mind and body, which can face any obstacle.
Furthermore, there is no doubt that I am also a trainee. I want to work hard to achieve a higher level together with my students.


